

On the plane.
Off the plane.
On the plane again.
A new plane. 
This time for 8 hours. When we land in the next airport, in a new country. We are going to drive for 2 more hours. 2 more long, hot hours in a cramped car, in a country I've never been to. Seeing sights I've never seen before, and probably never will again. 

Once we reach our final destination. A sense of relief floods me. Until we see the stairs. 
We will have to climb over 500 of them in order to get to our apartment. When were there. I collapsed onto the couch.

We've made it.
We've made it to a small town.
We've made it to Camogli, Italy. 


  1. Oh, I hope you'll tell more of this adventure in Camogli, after resting!

  2. Was there an elevator if so why didn't you take it?

  3. I love the suspense you included and the part about on and off and on and off planes.

  4. Sound like a fun but tiring trip! I like how you didn't tell us where you were until the end. Nice slice!


thanks bud