
Book Blog

25/31 of March challenge

Last week I read Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous. This book is an actual journal from a teenage drug addict, only not including certain names and locations. Throughout the book the girl starts out not having many issues, except possibly an eating disorder, that was unclear to me. But when she travels home for the summer, she becomes friends with a group of kids who are very into drugs, such as speed, LSD, and heroine. This sends the girl on a downward spiral into drug addiction. Leading her to at one point run away to San Francisco with a fellow addict. She ends up running away once more before coming back and getting clean. After which some classmates spike her food with LSD causing her to get put in a mental institution.

I thought this book dealt with some difficult topics, so I would not recommend it to anyone who thinks they can't deal with it. It's hard to rate this book, because the girl whose journal this is based on was clearly not in the best mental state, therefore it wouldn't be respectful to judge her actions, or the writing in the book.

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thanks bud