
Tarantula Lane

Slice 2/31 March challenge           

Because of the government shutdown our class had to change our route. We had to go to Cortez, Colorado. Where we were going on a tour.
            We were in the bus driving to the place where we’d meet our guides. We were granted special entry to a Native American reserve near Sleeping Ute Mountain. When we stop, we’re stopped for at least half an hour, waiting for the teachers to finish talking to the guides.
Finally we’re off. We drive up countless hills.
Up down
Up down

Over and over again, going on dirt roads, over bridges, and under bridges, until we reach a road. But this road isn’t your average road. This road had bumps and even worse… Tarantulas. 


  1. I remember this It looks like you are having fun. and your welcome bud.

  2. I remember this It looks like you are having fun. and your welcome bud.

  3. I really liked your slice. I liked how you announced a surprising twist at the end.

  4. You did a good job with your descriptions here. The picture is hilarious!

  5. I really like the last paragraph and the first sentence of your slice! I like that it was kind of repetitive. I really like the picture.

  6. I really like the repetition and it looks like you had a lot of fun on your trip.

  7. I like how you described the first part of your trip. Nice job

  8. I remember that Alex would stop the bus really fast so that he would not hit the tarantulas and broke the CD player.


thanks bud